Wellness Beauty…
Holistic Esthetics
One of the basic philosophies in holistic esthetics is "do no harm". We approach the skin with consideration to the whole person. Everything that we do takes a slow and steady approach to supporting the skin in a direction of wellness and function. Holistic Esthetics rarely offers quick and instantaneous results. Our understanding informs us that these are not sustainable for healthy skin function and radiance that will last a life time. Holistic estheticians are guided by a therapeutic model of prevention. They maintain a practice and philosophy to provide services that never alter the biological integrity of the skin. Holistic skincare is mindful to the functionality of the skin first and foremost. Your holistic Esthetician will dig deeper into your history, health, lifestyle, diet and, of course, your current skin care practice to consider more about YOU prior to moving forward to help you meet your skin care goals. Your holistic Esthetician will work with very gentle treatments that support the improvement of your skin over time, along with beneficial, clean products. Treatments and care will go slower, with lots of consideration to helping the skin regain balance and health. This takes time and patience. But over time the skin heals and changes, just as your body would heal and change over time when changing the diet to support your wellness.
Keep in mind that your holistic skin care professional operates from a labor of love. What we do is truly a calling to serve in such a unique offering, assisting the face to look and feel beautiful! We deeply care about your results and want you to be thrilled with your skin -- for life!
One more thing to consider. When deciding to work with a holistic esthetician it's important to understand that this is not a "service provider" who will merely perform a facial on your skin once or twice. A holistic esthetician PARTNERS with you! This means that what they do, the recommendations that they make, the products that they offer are given with the intention to ASSIST YOU in gradually bringing your skin to a new and beautiful sweet spot! You play a huge role in the partnership! We will never succeed without your dedication. So the next time you see your esthetician and they recommend a treatment or some products, remember, he or she is not simply trying to sell you on something. Our products, treatments and methods are the instruments of change!
Natural Products
Committed to using only the highest quality clean professional skin care products.
Customized Services
Every treatment, product and protocol used on your skin will be customized to meet your individual needs and will always be geared toward restoring the natural function of your skin.
Dedicated To You
The "functional" approach to skin care means that we look beyond the surface of your skin and work with YOU as a unique "whole”. This approach creates sustainability for lasting results.